Thursday, August 12, 2010


To the manufacturers of todays ripped pants: Dear Sr's, I neither want to have my belt cinched just below my nipples, nor do I want to have the crotch around my knees. I am neither 81 nor 18; I am indeed in my 30's and feel that, perhaps, if the measure from the waistline to the bottom of the crotch is more then 3ft you should know you have a problem. Unfortunately this trend is almost universal from dress slacks, to dockers, to simple jeans. I am not sure if this trend is the progress of time or if you some how believe that as my waistline grew from 32 inches to 38 inches I also became endowed with a seven foot penis that I need to coil up in the ample, movement restricting, space you provide. I must insist you reverse this trend before the crotch drops all the way to my ankles and I am forced to hope around like some ones bondage gimp.

Thank you,

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